Uses of honey in daily life have a lot of impact on health benefits. Honey is probably the most ancient delicacy, and in all respects one of the most useful. It is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Useful properties of honey are due to extremely high content of minerals and vitamins. But all this is true only for real raw honey. At best, fake honey is of no benefit to health, at worst – may be toxic. By some estimates up to 30% of honey in stores is more or less fake.
Before and After Exercise:
Honey May Also Be Useful Before and During Workout. If You Eat Honey Before Exercise, You Allow for A Slow and Steady Release of Glucose into The Blood. This Can Keep Your Body from Using Its Stored Muscle Glycogen as Fuel. Sparing Muscle Glycogen Can Keep Fatigue at Bay. During Your Workout, Honey Water May Also Be Effective at Increasing the Power Output of Your Muscles, Improving Your Performance. Mix one teaspoon Honey in water. Drink before and after exercise.
General Health:
Take one teaspoon 2 – 3 times a day.
Natural Aphrodisiac:
2-3 Teaspoons At Night. For Better Results, Mix with Carrot Seeds, This Mixture Is Claimed To Better Than Viagra, With No Side Effects.
Thirst Quenching:
Combined with Lime and Water for A Healthier Thirst Quenching Alternative To Any Sugar Syrup.
Protects Wounds:
Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Bruises and Lacerations – Apply Topically (I.E. Directly On The Place Affected)
Prevents Heart Disease:
Great with Apple Cider Vinegar to Reduce Heartburn
Effective in Nausea:
With Some Ginger and Lemon Juice, Its A Great Way to Curb Nausea.
Luster to The Face:
To Bring Luster to The Face – Mix Equal Parts of Olive Oil, Honey and Almond Oil (Which Can Then Be Stored in A Jar). Apply The Mixture to The Face and Leave for 15 – 20 Minutes Before Washing Off.
Bed Wetting:
To Reduce Bed Wetting – The Child (Or Patient) Should Empty Their Bladder and then Take One Teaspoon of Honey Before Going to Sleep.
Rejuvenate Hair:
To Rejuvenate Hair – Mix ½ Cup of Honey and ¼ Cup of Olive Oil, Massage into The Scalp. This Will Get the Nutrients into The Roots of the Hair. Leave for 30 minutes to an hour and then wash off.
Improve Respiratory Problems:
To Improve Respiratory Problems, 1 Teaspoon Three Times a Day.
Improve Cough:
To Improve Cough, One Teaspoon Three Times a Day.
Improve Swelling, Wound Healing, and Joint Pain:
Mix Two Parts Cinnamon Powder and One Part Honey Nation Sidr Honey. Apply The Paste On the Affected Area and Leave for 15 Minutes.
Improve Immunity:
Mix 10 Drops Honey Nation Black Seed Oil with One Tablespoon and Eat 2 Times A Day. For Children Give One Time Before Going to Bed.
Neurological Disorders (Paralysis):
Mix 1 Part Honey and 4 Part Water. Take 10 Ml Three Times a Day.
Honey Nation Sidr Honey is one of most famous and useful brand which aims to provide best Sidr honey worldwide.