Most women suffering from facial hair, chin hair, peach fuzz or unwanted hairs on other parts of the body like breast, arms, legs or private parts ask this question. In Pakistan, approximately 5 out of 10 Pakistan women notice unwanted hair growth on the face or other body parts and desire flawless hair remover solution. In medical terms, the excessive hair growth of dark or coarse nature in a male-like pattern on the face, chest and back is called Hirsutism. The excess production of male hormone testosterone is the primary cause.
The excessive usage of formula-based creams/serums for instant whitening and glow cause excessive hair growth. Mercury, steroids & other chemicals added to these products for instant results trigger hair growth on the face and body. Excessive hair growth in females adversely affects day-to-day life. It causes mental torture, low self-esteem, decreased self-image, depression, passions of shame, and social difficulties. Women hide their faces, do less social interaction, avoid participation in family gatherings, and bear spouse mocking, problem in marriage and post-marriage life.
More than 60% of Pakistani lives in rural areas where public/private health facilities are not equipped up to the mark. Skin specialists, dermatologists, and cosmetologists not available to most of the rural population. Women face a lot of social and domestic challenges visiting dermatologists where available.
These women want unwanted hair treatment that can be taken at home in their personal space without side effects.
Hair waxing, threading, tweezers, epilator or shaving is not the permanent solution to unwanted hairs. Electrolysis hair Removal, laser hair removal, or laser treatment for hair removal methods have the following disadvantages: -
Not accessible to more than 60% Rural Population
- Social and domestic limitations to visiting dermatologists, skin specialists, cosmetologists
- Affordability issues as these methods are excessive and beyond the paying capacity of 80% of Pakistanis.
- Laser hair removal treatment does not work on all kinds of hair and skin types.
- after laser hair removal, hair growth in approximately 50% of cases.
Women need a safe, authentic home based permanent hair growth inhibitor product which permanently reduces hair growth. Herbsasia, an organic skincare brand, has solved the problems of Pakistani women. Never Grow Hair Delay Serum of Herbsasia effectively removes hairs from the following parts:
- Facial Hair including; upper lip, eyebrows, chin, and sideburns
- Legs Hair
- Arms and Under Arms Hair
- Chest Hair
- Ear Hair
- Back Hair
- Pubic Hair / Bikini Line
Never Grow Hair delay serum is best natural hair inhibitor serum in Pakistan because of:
- 10 times economical than Laser Hair Removal
- 20% more effective than Laser Hair Removal
- Made with Organic herbs and minerals, safe for all hair colors and types
- No allergic or skin reaction, no after marks
The use of Never Grow Hair Delay Serum is very simple and easy to remove unwanted hair permanently. Just simple steps will slow the growth of unwanted hairs anywhere on the body
Step 1
After routine waxing, and threading, spray serum three (3) times a day for seven (7) days and do gentle massage for 5 Sec in the opposite direction of the hair. It is one session.
Step 2
Repeat seven (7) days session after every waxing/threading/epilation for six (6) months or till the hair growth completely stops.
You will see Hair growth reduction from the first session. Maintain the record of waxing/threading dates to observe the serum results. Enjoy a happy hair free life.
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